>>> more women      >>> more men
18-35  30-44  45+     18-35  30-44  45+



test...read more about Giles2


Active and adventurous

I travelled for a year and realised that England is a pretty good place to be but still, living a mo ......read more about Oliver9


Year out partner?

Hey I'm Joss, a free thinking, nomadic, hippe type, who lives on a little boat, and I guess looking ......read more about Joss1


Soon to be newbie in the UK

To be completed...read more about LemonLime
>>> more women      >>> more men
18-35  30-44  45+     18-35  30-44  45+

Updated! 8:18PM

SELECT TOP 10 tbl_People.*, TBL_People2.Username FROM tbl_People INNER JOIN tbl_People2 ON tbl_People.Username = tbl_People2.Username WHERE MemStatus = 'A' AND bPrivacy1 = 0 AND PhotoMember = 1 AND Photo = 1 AND (Description Like ' % Art%' or Description Like '%classical%' or Description Like ' theatre%' or headline like ' art%' or headline like '%music%' or occupation like ' art%' or occupation like '%music%' or tbl_people.Username in (select tbl_people2.Username from tbl_people2 where (Music like ' Art%' or Music Like '%classical%' or Music Like '%theatre%') or (Interests like 'Art' or Interests like '% Art%' or Interests like '%galler%' or Interests like '%theatre%') or (evening like 'art' or evening like '% art%' or evening like '%galler%' or evening like '% play%' or evening like '% oper%' or evening like '%theatre%' or evening like '%ballet%' OR WL='CP') )) AND DOB > '1979-4-26' AND DOB < '1994-4-26' AND Gender = 'M' and not (p15 =1 and wL <> 'CP') and Orientation='H' Order By DateReg DESC